At the end of the day we all need just one thing...
Clear, Concise and Precise information that can facilitate management discussion and action, quickly.
Mostly Asked KPI Questions
What are KPI's ?
KPI's or Key Performance Indicators and those indicators that generally measure the health of a business, a particular segment of a business, a process and generally anything you could suggest that you require to be measured and managed. They are normally readily accessible and trackable and as such have immediate value for management in the determination of success, failure or identifying trends. It's this "immediacy" that provides a distinct advantage over traditional reporting mechanisms. Both financial and non-financial measures can be tracked for what is effectively real-time reporting.
What are the benefits of tracking KPI's ?
Tracking Key Performance Indicators allow you to do one major thing over traditional reporting systems. They allow you to ask "the right question". " Tracking KPI's have a significant advantage over traditional reporting systems. Firstly they are real time, so the lag in reporting to action can be same day or sooner, making corrective action immediate. Secondly, once correctly defined, the right KPI's can monitor the keys drivers in your business. Kpi's are not limited to financial numbers but can effectively incorporate both strategic and tactical/operational measures not normally monitored. Tracking these drivers can provide both past and forward indicators of trends that are actionable immediately. Clearly the benefits are fast and timely information for management to action.
Is it easy to create a dashboard ?
The creation of a KPI Dashboard is easy and you should be able to be up and going in a matter of minutes. The tricky bit is optimising the relevant number of KPIs that are important to measuring the success of your operation, of your division or any particular part of a business you wish to keep an eye on. So forward planning is essential. Stay relevant to what you are trying to manage and select the KPI drivers that are instrumental to the outcome you are seeking to manage. EzzyKPI is a very flexible system. You can delete, de-activate or add KPI metrics to your dashboards at any time. And if you're stuck we are happy to assist.
What sort of fancy Dashboards can be created ?
None. We produce readable, comprehensible dashboards or scorecards for you to view your business performance and make enlightened management decisions quickly. We do not produce glossy brochure looking dashboards with dials and gizmos. But we are artists in what we produce.... simple graphical images that convey metric information quickly. And we do it simply and quickly.
Are KPIs a replacement for accounting systems ?
That's a bit like asking if an apple is a good substitute for an orange. Accounting systems, or even bookkeeping systems (Ezzybookkeeping), are historical measures of performance. What they produce is the end measure of whether your operations have performed or not over a period of time. Key Performance Indicators are specific financial and non financial flags, a control point that is virtually instantaneous and accordingly very useful to management and management decision making.
Is my data safe ?
Yes. All your data is saved in secure servers with multiple backups. You KPI Dashboards, KPI Reports and KPIs are securely tucked away in the vaults of Backups, data integrity and server security is a continuous ongoing function. We go to great lengths to ensure integrity, reliability, and trust. Your details are secure, we do not offer your information or details to third parties.
Am I locked into any ongoing contract ?
This simple answer to that is no. You can confidently cancel at any time with no penalties. And in the event you have a change of heart and come back within six months your original data will be retrievable.
Is registration free ?
Yes, you can register for free. Our methodology is simple - try before you buy!!. If you like it tell as many as you can, if you don't like it tell us!. After your initial free trial, you can choose from one of our three packages, Single User, Corporate or Consultant. By undertaking the initial free trial you will be introduced to the Consultant package. Enjoy!
How many packages are there ?
We structure our packages with all users in mind. So for the simple business that needs to track KPIs for their single business then the "Single User" package is more than adequate. You can create unlimited KPIs and reports from this simple package. For businesses that have separate entities or divisions of their operations then the "Corporate" package allows for up to 5 separate operations (clients). "Consultants" have multiple clients with multiple uses.
When does my package expire ?
Your initial subscription to our service will expire after 30 days. If after that time you would like to move on, then we would like to thank you for trying our product. We would also like to know what you would do to improve our product. If you wish to continue your subscription then simply choose the upgrade path. Alternatively you should receive email reminders as the 30 days draws near.
What is procedure for upgrading packages ?
Everyone's circumstances change over time. With this in mind you can at any time upgrade to a different package. Simply follow the upgrade links at the top of the page.
Subscription model ?
EzzyKPI operates a subscription business model payable in monthly charges. Subscription models do have advantages over traditional software usage. There is no need to spend big dollars to acquire immediate efficiency achieved by getting the product now. There are no lock in arrangement. You never have to worry about which version you are using or whether you should or should not update to the next version. It's all there and in front of you now from any place with an internet access. And you'll never have to worry about installing the software on all your users' desk tops again - now that used to be a pain!