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your business

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At the end of the day we all need just one thing...
Clear, Concise and Precise information that can facilitate management discussion and action, quickly.


How To Use the KPI Operator Function


Data entry into any dashboard system can be time consuming. Data needs to be extracted from various sources and inevitably finds its way to a central document, such as a spreadsheet, for collation, reporting and interpretation. has developed a unique system that eliminates replication of process and multiple handling, in effect, it does away with the use of spreadsheets (or othe


KPIs for Planning-your crystal ball in business


Planning is an essential part of all businesses. Too often we think the opposite, that it's a burdensome year end ritual. The businesses that think like that fail to understand that it should be entrenched in the day to day paradigm of a business rather than the year end ritual that some grudgingly undertake and most don't bother. As a minimum it should be a twelve month planning cy


Can your KPI be incorrect?


Everyone has their way of measuring things. Quite often the way you measure something could be different to the way I measure something. And the way I measure something might not conform to generally accepted principals. Is that wrong?. The answer to that is both yes and no. If you seek to compare your measures to Industry benchmarks then you will need the same computational methodology


How to set your KPI Target


Target setting certainly has its challenges, more often than not, to get those responsible to be accountable enough to produce valid and achievable targets for monitoring. Accountability is a wonderful thing and can really separate perception from reality. Performance data without some form of measurable target or goal can be meaningless and empty. By default, we do know just by looking at s


Don't Make Us Think: Let Your KPIs Tell a Story


If you’re like most accountants and consultants who are conditioned to submit performance numbers using the historical accounting format, you might need to rethink how you present your data. Granted the average professional can decipher these numbers with ease, but the presentation of these numbers to the untrained is akin to most of us looking at the fine print in legal documentation.



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